Product Review

Posted On: September 03, 2008 07:16:57 PM

Name: Samuel Visner


Comments:  I purchased from Ideal Innovations a custom-built Classic 70 amplifier.  Syd Beaumont worked with me to understand my requirements for this amplifier in the context of the system in which the amplifier is to be used.  What he provided is wonderful, and an excellent counterpart to my other large tube amplifier, a McIntosh 240.  The Classic 70 is beautifully built, and it arrived packed to survive the worst any postal service might choose to inflict. The sound: Lush, liquid, dynamic, musical - against a silent (no hiss, no hum) backdrop.

I listen to a number of high resolution SACD, DVD-A, DTS, and other recordings. I  recommend this amplifier highly.  As for Syd Beaumont - a gentleman, a fine engineer, and a wonderful craftsman.