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Name: Harry Smith
Comments: Sid,

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and continue to do so!

Today I received the manual for my Custom Model-4 PREAMP, so that completes the documentation.

As you said, there is nothing surprising.

We continue to enjoy the warm mellow tones your gear produces for everything we listen to.

We recommend your equipment without reservation.

I have to tell you that before we purchased anything, I scoped out the stuff from the Far East. The prices looked unbelievable until you added the $300 or so shipping charges to get the stuff here from way over there. But the tubes were getting mixed reviews, and some of the gear was rated as junk.

It's a no-brain-er when your alternative is to deal with a local supplier, whose products are thoughtfully designed and carefully hand-built here, thoroughly tested, fully guaranteed, and supported by an extremely knowledgeable individual who's a pleasure to deal with!

Here's to a Prosperous New Year, and thanks again for the terrific gear and the great service!

Harry and Barbara Smith

Name: Ken Roach
Comments: Well Syd, you've done it again! We finally had a chance to sit back, turn up the volume and have a good "listen" to the new preamp that you had built for us - simply awesome. Coupled with the "Custom 50" power amp, this combination is pure magic.

We listened to a number of selections on vinyl that I have not heard for a while. It was a very pleasant experience, as having a really fine phono preamplifier has allowed us to again rediscover enjoyment of music, as opposed to just listening to it. The one recording that demonstrates the amazing accuracy of the preamp is called 'The Track Record', by Sheffield Labs. It was released in 1982 as a medium to test audio systems for their performance. It is a direct-to-disc recording using studio musicians playing original compositions by Sheffield, and falls into the category of 'jazz'. There is only about 17 minutes of music on the album, as the grooves had to be so large to contain the dynamic range of the music (that includes both A&B sides).

We were mesmerized. The clarity and punch of the selections were astounding. So clean and precise - and never once was there any hint of distortion. Phyllis even had to admit that this was the best that this particular recording has ever sounded. I have the same selections on CD, and she indicated that it was much better on the vinyl, and I agree. The preamp is very quiet, even at higher volume levels.

Suffice to say, we are going to really enjoy the vinyl experience again, thanks to your wonderful preamplifier and power amplifier combination. What more can I say ' superb!

Ken & Phyllis Roach

Name: Normand Lafrance
Comments: Dear Syd,

I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for your contribution to the way I now listen to music. With your help, 2006 was for me the year I rediscovered music.

Let me explain.

In 1975 I was 17. To me back then, a serious sound system had to pump out at least 100W RMS per channel through speaker boxes the size of a fridge (maybe a bit smaller). It had to include a 24 channel equaliser and a fully automatic turntable'. and a''and a'..So I decided that my parent's RCA, already vintage looking tube system was obsolete! As a student, I had worked long hours all summer, hoping to earn enough to buy my very own solid state Hi-Fi audio system. So I did. Like many of us, I bought Japanese made very powerful integrated pieces of equipment. Sacrificing sound quality, I had acquired POWER! It was the beginning of a 30 years long sonic detour.

Throughout the years, I was never quite satisfied. I alternatively owned JVC, Kenwood, Akai, Technics, Sony, Pioneer and Marantz, always searching for that little something that the previous equipment I owned couldn't properly deliver. I've got to admit that 30 years is a very long learning curve!

And then, out of nowhere in July 2006, there you were, auctioning on eBay a 36 watts tube amp and telling the world that 'We WOULD NOT sell anyone an amplifier that didn't perform to our high standards during listening tests.' OooooK, I believed you. I bought that Mini-36 tube amp advertised. So began a new sonic era for me.

I swear to god, it took me 15 minutes to unwrap the amp upon delivery! Never have I received an item so well packed. I was very impressed. The Mini-36 is an entry level amp build on a plain 12'X8' black metal box. At first sight I thought 'Woo! This looks pretty basic'. Never the less, I went ahead and proceeded with its installation. After just a few minutes I had all tubes plugged in plus an Arcam Diva CD72 CD player and Mordaunt Short MS10 speakers ready for take off!

And what a take off it was! I was stunted! Stevie Nicks was there in my living room, singing just for me. At her right Lindsay Buckingham and at her left John McVie both playing acoustic guitar. I could hear the pressure of their finger nail on brand new guitar strings as they were playing. The mid and high frequencies were so accurate and detailed that my 18 year old daughter later described them as an 'orgy of detail' when compared to her expensive but not so musical Ipod. The sound stage was so well defined, each instrument and vocals were easily localisable and the 3D effect was just as good.

I knew I had found what I was looking for during the past 30 years. For that I thank you Syd.

The following month we exchanged ideas over a matching Mini pre-amp, as always you gave the best advice and service any customer could ask for. So I ordered it. You kept me informed of the work in progress and the first thing I knew it was ready. Today, looking at it, I recognise the same high quality of material and the great craftsmanship found in the Mini-36.

So I thought it would be nice to send you a picture of your babies. Here they are, side by side. As you can see, I added exotic wood panel in front and on each sides. It gives them a classy look. I also added an identification plate on each.

In 2006, with your help I rediscovered music. Generated by my Arcam CD player, my genuine 1975 JVC turntable or my as old Quad FM3 tuner, the magic of music is always present thanks to the M4 and the M36. That's the way it was meant to be heard.

Thanks again!

Season's greetings!

Normand Lafrance
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